Thursday, November 02, 2006


Emma (my sister-in-law for those of you who don't know her) got me addicted to blogs. Here's a link to her knitting blog. After reading her blog and the blogs of all the people who comment about her blog and other random blogs I found surfing the blogosphere, I decided to try this little innovation out for myself.

Another thing happened to me during my extensive travels through blog land... I discovered beading... WOW! How cool to be able to make your own jewelry! After some research, I ran out last night and purchased some books to help me get started.

Then, I ran by the craft store today and picked up some fun stuff to play around with.

I'll post some pictures when I get something put together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Land O'Bloggers....
I'm really looking forward to seeing what you craft....I've made a few stitch markers, and of course, back in my youth (60's) did quite a lot of bead work, and have thought about making jewelry, but instead I knit.
So, seriously, looking forward to seeing your stuff.

5:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the addiction called BLOGGING!
I only "met" your sister-in-law this morning when she left me a note on my blog. It is always fascinating to discover how people find you.

I am relatively new to blogging (May 2006). I write about knitting and chronic illness (oh and the occasional Liberal Political Rant). Come by for a chat when you have a second.

The only problem with blogging and reading blogs is then I don't knit! LOL

Hopefully you can string and type.

Welcome, and good luck!

6:57 AM


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